Python Introduction

 Python is a easy to learn, powerful Programming Language. Used for create web page as well as Application. It was created by Guido van Rossum, and first released in 20 February 1991. Python is a general purpose, high level, interpreted language with easy syntax and dynamic semantics.

Why is Python popular?

  • Easy: It is easy to understand and thus easy to learn. Python is the preferred by beginners and pros alike.
  • Open Source and Free: Python is a open source programming language. Python is free to download and use. This means you can download it for free and use it in your application
  • Application: Python can be used for Desktop, Web, Mobile application development.
  • Library and Support: Python has great community who constantly make libraries and help those in need.  

  • Feature of Python

  •  Easy to code:
    Python is a high-level programming language. Python is very easy to learn the language 
  • Open Source and Free:
    Python is a open source programming language. Python is free to download and use. This means you can download it for free and use it in your application
  • Object-Oriented Language:
    One of the key features of python is Object-Oriented programming. Python supports object-oriented language and concepts of classes, objects encapsulation, etc.
  •  Python is Integrated language:
    Python is also an Integrated language because we can easily integrated python with other languages like c, c++, etc.
  •  Extensible feature:
    Python is a Extensible language. We can write us some Python code into C or C++ language and also we can compile that code in C/C++ language.
  • Library and Support:
    Python has great community who constantly make libraries and help those in need.  

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